Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Joey Goes to Denver

The last week has been a whirlwind of activity!. Joey is officially in Denver at Orthopets. I miss her already! I will be posting about the trip and everything that has happened, but first I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the people who made Joeys journey possible. This is a long list so bear with me!

Thank you to Georgann of Cats on the River for putting to word out about Joey needing to be rescued. It is because of you that Joey has a new life.
Thank you to Natomas Animal Hospital for being willing to ask for rescue before euthanizing the sweetest puppy I have ever met.
Thank you to Sue for putting the request for rescue out on the SAAC list, and thank you to the Sacramento Area Animal  Coalition for having a list serve to network rescuers in the Sacramento Area for reasons like this.
Thank you to Kim and the Yolo County SPCA for induldging my need to rescue the 'special' ones, and for understanding that I often act before asking.
Thank you to Josh and Bre for getting to word out to the producers at CBS 13 and Fox 40 so we could let the community know about Joey and her needs.
Thank you to Lori Wallace, CBS 13, Good Day Sacramento, Adam Krolfifer, and  Fox 40 for reporting Joeys story.

Thank you to UC Davis neurology for examining Joey to prepare her for her trip.
Thank you to Lettie Neuhauser-MacLachlan DVM CCRT CVA for donating Joeys physical therapy to getting her strong enough to start to use her mobility device.
Thank you to my mom and dad for helping me get ready for this amazing experience, and for understanding my need to rescue, even when I promise I will take a break. 
Thank you to Dixies Paws and Claws for always being willing to help, and for having Joey size clothing so she could look beautiful for her trip.
Thank you to Rich and Stacia and The Pomegranate Salon for helping get me ready for our trip.
Thank you to Evelyn for letting the Davis community know about Joey and always making us 'Paws for thought'.
Thank you to Southwest airlines, especially the Social Media team.
Thank you to On the Fly and TLC for making this an amazing adventure.
Thank you to everyone at Orthopets for giving Joey the chance at a life that will be better than anything I could have ever hoped for.
And finally thank you so much to all of my support system, especially Jenn, Stacy, Megan, Vanessa, and everyone I work with. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 2011 Donations

Right before the first of December I received an email from our local shelter about a sweet 7 month old Cockapoo who was horribly thin, and was also having trouble using her back legs, and would need rescue so she could get xrays and whatever follow up care she might need. Of course another face I could not say no to!!
Right now her name is Cutie McCute Pants. She will need a nickname at some point but for now I am calling her Cutie. This sweetheart is such a loving and affectionate little girl!! She loves to cuddle so we get along very well. She has had xrays now, which show that she actually has a vertebral fracture in her spinal cord!!  Poor little girl.
Monday morning we were off to UC Davis neuro surgery to evaluate her. At first the best scenario seemed like surgery. We planned for surgery (with a $5000 estimate!!!) and I left her at the hospital. Later they called to tell me that because we had no history on her injury, and she seemed to have stabilized (she is able to put some weight on her back legs) surgery may do more harm than good. The ultimate decision was to put her on strict crate rest for 6 to 8 weeks and hope her body is able to heal on its own since she is so young and otherwise healthy. So Keep positive thoughts for Cutie, and I will be sure to stock up on bully sticks and peanut butter so her time in the crate is not too horrible.

Getting Ready to go!

Joey has been very busy getting ready to go to Denver. We leave in 1 week and I have no idea how I will let this little one go! I just keep thinking of the amazing opportunities going to Ortho Pets will bring to her!

Oh and Joey has her own Facebook page! Make sure you like her page- Joey the Two legged chihuahua